Tuesday, January 23, 2007

So you want to be an entrepreneur?
It is a good thing to desire to be one but not all of us are called to be entrepreneurs (point men) but it's required of all to be enterprising. We are all required to create wealth by adding value to people specifically and the community in general.

(give an example of yourself who is not an 'entrepreneur' but understands in stocks)

Now for those who are called, there are five things one should be aware of.

1. Technical Knowledge is not sufficient. The understanding of the business and other financial skills is important if not more.

For example, the primary function of a secondary school to teach. Thus, if one wants the activities of a principal/proprietor in a typical week.

Hiring /firing teachers
Discipline student & sometimes teachers, PTA meetings, board meetings , Staff Issues, events & project mgt e.g inter house sports, class building,
Financial accounting, managing the school for profitability marketing the school staff/ student welfare staff/student recognition team building among staff, mentoring/coaching. What percentage is teaching or is a BSc in Education required?

Do u now understand why you don't see your VC so often?

In a small biz you will need more than just technical skills (ability to sew, cook, repair a car, farm etc) to be a leader in the sector. You will need business skills of people/client mgt, an understanding of the basics of accounting, budgeting, goal setting, the importance of advertising, the fundamentals of selling, HR. People Relations etc.

The most fundamental attitude to be positioned for success as an entrepreneur is a commitment to increasing your knowledge base. That’s the only way to stay on the Cutting edge of life & biz.

2. Be An Apprentice
Do some form of Internship. Go there not only for the technical skills but to understand how the biz runs ,what kind problems your boss faces & how does he handles it. Always consider too how will I handle this if it were you. This is the key edge of the Ibo people in Nigeria. The learn how to sell TV, videos, etc. One would think that buying and selling should not be so much of a challenge. But in the intership, they learn where things are cheap, where to buy, when and to whom they should sell. They learn the business.

3. Manage your boss' biz. In your internship manage your boss’ business as if it were yours. Do your best with it. Consider evey cash spent as if it were deducted from your salary asking if it is really a wise investment. Now if you do it well God will give you yours Luke 16:12

4. Don’t let go of your dreams
There is always the tendency after receiving a salary at a bank or in an Oil company for two months to forget where you always wanted to go. Don’t be distracted in the internship. Don’t forget your dreams.

5. God is the author of true success in any Endeavour. You won’t go far without him. You may go as far in this world if you adhere to the principles laid in his word but you won’t go far in the world to come.

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